We Love Our Members!
Gift a Membership!
Garden Memberships provide a year of new experiences for those you treasure! See our categories below. Thank you for gifting a Garden membership! Please call the Garden office Monday-Friday, 9am- 5pm at 918-289-0330 to purchase a gift membership by phone.
Membership Levels

Unlimited Benefits for Members and "Plus Ones"
- Free, unlimited general admission to the Garden, Cross Timbers Nature Trail & General Admission Events for named adult(s) and with Household Level and above: up to 4 children under 18
- Unlimited Spring & Fall “Bands & Blooms”, our twice annual music concert series
- Unlimited entry to Annual Traveling Art Exhibits.
- Unlimited Entry to Summer Nights – NEW! Beginning June 2025 exclusive access every Thursday, 5-8 p.m., cocktails and beverages available for purchase at the Garden bar.
Member Exclusive
- Member Mornings every Friday, March through November beginning at 8:30 a.m. with complimentary coffee bar.
- Member Only Events all year long, including the “off season” months of January and February.
- Members Only Early Access and Discounted Pricing for Special Ticketed Events and Workshops
- Members Only Discounts on plant and gift shop purchases (discount varies by membership level)
- Free/discounted admission to 360 nationwide gardens and arboreta (as part of the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admissions Program – 90-mile exclusion enforced. For more information and list of Reciprocal Gardens click here.)
- Bi-monthly emails with upcoming events and news
Residents of Osage County can receive $25 discount on any membership by showing proof of residency and purchasing membership in person at the Garden during open hours.
You asked. We listened! Add the "Plus One" Feature!
For just $25 a year, you can upgrade your membership to add a “Plus One”, allowing you to bring one guest of your choice for any General Admission, Traveling Art Exhibit, or Member Event. That means more time with your friends and family experiencing the wonder of Tulsa Botanic Garden!
– Unlimited benefits for 1 named adult
– 5% discount on plant and gift shop purchases
– Unlimited benefits for 2 named adults + up to 4 children under 18
– 5% discount on plant and gift shop purchases
– Unlimited benefits for 2 named adults + up to 4 children under 18
– 10% discount on plant and gift shop purchases
– Unlimited for 2 named adults + up to 4 children under 18
– 10% discount on plant and gift shop purchases
Circle Membership

Circle Membership Benefits
Circle Members receive all the membership benefits listed above and discounts on Mabee Grange event center Rentals (discount varies with Circle membership level). Circle Members are part of the Garden’s continuing growth.