Dust off your ascots & tiaras and join us for a four-course wine dinner prepared by Chef Darren McGrady, the former chef to the British Royal Family. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy the Royal Family’s favorite dishes and hear Chef McGrady share memories of his time as the Royal Chef to Princess Diana. Proceeds from this dinner will benefit the Tulsa Botanic Garden. Dinner will be at The Summit Club of Tulsa. Details & tickets at tulsabotanic.org or 918-289-0330.
WHERE: The Summit Club, 15 West 6th St.
Located in the Bank of America Tower, Sixth & Boulder.
Reception and Dinner in the 30th Floor Grand Ballroom.
COST: $350 per ticket.
Seating is limited to 120 guests (15 tables of 8 people).
DETAILS: Business or Cocktail Attire requested.
About the Chef:
Darren was personal chef to Queen Elizabeth II, Diana, Princess of Wales and Princes’ William and Harry for fifteen years and has cooked for five US Presidents. He is now a chef, author, culinary consultant, event planner and public speaker living in Dallas, Texas. His first cookbook titled ‘Eating Royally; Recipes and Remembrances from a Palace Kitchen’ is now in sixth print with all of his advance and royalties donated to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation.
