When you visit Tulsa Botanic Blooms in spring do you wish your garden looked like ours? We have a limited amount of tulips from our 2022 spring display mixes available for sale (online only), plus daffodils and saffron crocus. Grow the same great bulbs we plant and support the Garden with your purchase!
* Bulbs will be available for sale ONLINE ONLY starting noon on Monday, Aug. 23. Prices below do not include tax.
Members: Remember to LOG IN
1) When making purchase, choose item you wish to buy, using button below.
2) When that item page loads for purchase – FIRST choose your pick up date/time slot – Look for “Don’t forget to select your bulb pick-up date and time here.” near top of page. (You only need to choose this once.) Choose correct date and time slot – quantity one, and “Purchase”.
3) Use back button to go back to add bulbs to your cart.
Pick up dates are Oct. 2-5, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. In case shipment is delayed, pick up times may be moved to the following week and you will be notified.
Visitor Center Display Tulip Mix
Our circle bed greets visitors with a riot of color before they step into the visitor center. This color palette includes reds, oranges, bright yellows and whites.
Bag of 50: $60 | Bag of 10: $15

Varieties in this mix may include: Tulipa ‘Oracle’, ‘Monsella®, Mondial’, ‘Carnaval de Rio’, ‘Apricot Foxx’, ‘Ad Rem’, ‘Teddy Kollek’, ‘Parrot King’ and ‘Sun Lover’
Tandy Floral Terraces Display Tulip Mix
Grow some of the same varieties that you’ll see in our signature spring display! A stunning mix of whites, purples, yellows and pinks.
Bag of 50: SOLD OUT | Bag of 10: $15

Varieties in this mix may include: ‘Queen of Night’, Mondial®, ‘Hakuun’, ‘White Triumphator’, ‘Candy Prince’, Flaming Flag®, ‘Matchpoint’, ‘Foxy Foxtrot’, ‘Sunrise Dynasty’, ‘Dordogne’, ‘Abba’, ‘Spryng Break’, ‘Pieter de Leur’, ‘Marie Jo’, ‘Beauty of Spring’, ‘La Courtine’, ‘Foxtrot’, ‘Just Kissed’, ‘Doll’s Minuet’, ‘Orange Emperor’, ‘Daydream’ and ‘Sun Lover’
Children’s Discovery Garden Display Tulip Mix
Think of the Spring Giant as you watch your Children’s Discovery Garden mix grow and bloom with colors of white, orange, purple and pink!
Bag of 50: $60 | Bag of 10: $15

Varieties in this mix may include: Tulipa ‘Pretty Princess’, ‘Foxy Foxtrot. ‘Aveyron’, ‘Flaming Emperor’, ‘Exotic Emperor’, ‘Ballerina’, ‘Flaming Flag’ and ‘Hermitage’
Tulsa Botanic Garden Tulip Value Mix
Like surprises? You know it will be beautiful – part of the fun will be seeing the colors and varieties blooming through spring. Great to give or share with a friend!
Bag of 50: $45 | Bag of 10: $10

Tulsa Botanic Garden Daffodil Value Mix
What garden can’t use more of these cheerful, harbingers of spring? Plant this mix and look forward to the colors, shapes and sizes of daffodils blooming next year.
Bag of 50: $45 | Bag of 10: $10

Saffron Crocus (Fall flowering Crocus ‘Sativus’)
This fall-blooming crocus is the source of saffron spice (the long, red stigmas are harvested and dried). A perennial bulb (corm), plant these crocus bulbs as soon as you receive them. Grow to height of 4-6”.
Bag of 50: $30 | Bag of 10: $7

Mark your calendars for our Fall Online Plant Sale. Members’ Shopping starts Sept. 17.