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Event Date 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec bibendum diam sit amet felis laoreet, et blandit orci accumsan. In ullamcorper feugiat nulla ac molestie. Nam sapien diam, cursus eu nunc ac, egestas tempor dolor. Aenean aliquam, ante ut euismod lacinia, nibh est mattis massa, id elementum ligula elit vel lectus. Maecenas ut risus nec […]

Example Date 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec bibendum diam sit amet felis laoreet, et blandit orci accumsan. In ullamcorper feugiat nulla ac molestie. Nam sapien diam, cursus eu nunc ac, egestas tempor dolor. Aenean aliquam, ante ut euismod lacinia, nibh est mattis massa, id elementum ligula elit vel lectus. Maecenas ut risus nec […]

Default Image Test

Sed ornare hendrerit eros sed rhoncus. Quisque sit amet risus id lorem luctus blandit a eu purus. Curabitur sed sapien vel ligula ultricies fringilla. Etiam et velit quis tellus viverra dapibus. Vestibulum consequat molestie lorem vitae dapibus. Duis vitae semper purus, sed bibendum enim. Integer scelerisque magna felis, in posuere mauris interdum at. Aliquam commodo […]

Trees- Nature’s Air Conditioners

Trees provide cooling shade and oxygen as well as beauty in our landscapes. Kids can make a tree leaf identifier for taking on the trails to learn some of our common trees. Drop-in activity from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Suggested donation for admission is $2 for adults, 50¢ for kids 3-12 yrs.  Free for […]

Fall Vegetable Gardening and Fruit Tree Selection

Kenda Woodburn, OSU Tulsa County Extension Horticulture Educator will share tips for having a successful fall vegetable garden.  She'll also discuss fruit tree selection for fall planting.  Bring your questions for this informative talk!

Plants Around the World

Kids can pick up a scavenger hunt to find plants around the Lake that  come from different parts of the world including the Americas and Africa.  Learn what some of the plants have been used for such as food or medicine.   The Garden is open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. every Saturday April through […]

Sensory Walk

Pick up a map to explore using all your senses! Look for a rainbow of colors, and touch textures of leaves and bark. Stop and smell the roses, and many other plants, and vote for your favorite floral fragrance! The Garden is open every Saturday, April through the end of October, from 9 a.m. to […]

Signs of Fall Scavenger Hunt

Pick up a scavenger hunt kit inside the visitor center to take on a walk and see how many signs of fall you can find!  The Garden is open every Saturday, April through the end of October from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Come see the plantings around the Lake as you stroll the 3/4 […]

Family Day: Make A Birdfeeder

Bring the family and learn the calls of birds of our area, find out what plants provide food or shelter for our feathered friends and make a bird feeder to take home.   The Garden is open every Saturday, April through the end of October from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  See the latest plantings […]

3900 Tulsa Botanic Dr
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127

© 2024 Tulsa Botanic Garden. All rights reserved.