Published on: March 17, 2025

Looking for things to do over Spring Break!  Get outside to witness the start of spring with trees budding, flowers blooming, bees buzzing and birds singing. 
All the activities below are drop-in and free with admission! 

Daily, March 18-22, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.:  Visit our Self-led Activity Station in the Driskill Children’s Discovery Garden.
 Activities: Chalk Art, Nature Journal, Bubble Station, Water Pouring Station, Jenga

Wednesday, March 19, 10:30 a.m.: Storytime with Your Stuffie!
Bring your favorite stuffed animal for storytime in the Driskill Children’s Discovery Garden.

Friday, March 21: It’s National Flower Day!
Take your photo on Daffodil Hill in our Jim and Cherry Bost Arboretum and tag us to be entered in a drawing to win a family 4 pack of tickets to visit the Garden’s Pumpkin Patch this October.

Plus, more fun things to do when you visit the Garden:
· Pick up a Scavenger Hunt for exploring FLORIGAMI IN THE GARDEN.
· Read our new story by visiting all 10 stops of the Story Walk in the Children’s Discovery Garden.
· Bring a picnic. 
· Paint with water on the Art Wall.
· Smell the hyacinths that are blooming!
· Look for pussy willows in the Driskill Children’s Discovery Garden.
· Find the Willow Hut!
· Count how many animals you see in the Tree Fort Oak Thrones.
· Smell hyacinths and daffodils  in the Driskill Children’s Discovery Garden and Tandy Floral Terraces.
· Look for bunnies (they are REALLY still) in the Tandy Floral Terraces. 



Free tickets for Garden Members,
Ages 16+: $15, Ages 3-15: $10, Ages 0-2: $0 ticket

Museums for All Discounted Tickets: At the door only.
Families with valid WIC or SNAP EBT card or Oklahoma Foster Parents Benefits Card 
Ages 16+: $6; Ages 3-15: $1; Ages 2 and under: $0.   Limit 4 tickets per household 

PLEASE NOTE: Prices above do not include ticket and processing fees.  All transactions at the Garden are cashless. 
Guest passes and reciprocal admission are not valid for admission March 2-Sept. 21, 2025